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Meet Moringa – The Miracle Tree

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison

Moringa oleifera, known informally as the miracle tree, is an herbal plant native to the dry tropical forest of north-west India that has been used for alternative medicinal purposes worldwide.1 Nearly all of the plant can be used as a source of nutrition, with properties to fight viruses, funguses, inflammation or depression. 2 It can even remove the metals and microbial contaminations from water as a bio absorbent agent. 1 Through the ages, each aspect of the plant has been cultivated to combat many different prevalent diseases.

Roots – physiologic pain, inflammation, tumor growth, diabetes, snake bites, ulcers, spasms, high cholesterol, funguses, diarrhea and hypertension2

Leaves – mucous, diabetes, hypertension, oxidation, glandular swelling and even hemorrhoids2

Flowers – inflammation, psychosis, tumor growth2

Seeds – Diarrhea, tumor growth, genital and urinary diseases, tuberculosis, asthma, liver degradation2

Even as an addition to your morning tea, Moringa can provide benefits. It is packed with nutrients with approximately 46 antioxidants to combat free radical production in the body. 1 The dried leaves contain…

  1. 17x more calcium than milk2
  2. 2x more protein than yogurt1
  3. 25x the iron in spinach1
  4. 15x the potassium of a banana1
  5. 7x the vitamin C of an orange (fresh leaves) 2
  6. 10x more vitamin A than a carrot2
  7. 4x more fiber than oats1
  8. Amino acid content and quality to rival beef2
  9. Fatty acid omega-3 content far greater than an avocado or walnut (44x an avocado, 13x a walnut) 2

You can even grow this plant in your backyard. Moringa is incredibly adaptive to climate change. It is drought and frost resistant, growing in climates as low as 1° C and as high as 48° C. 1  It can thrive in dry soils. In fact, one could say it thrives on neglect. 2

Growing your own Moringa plant may not be the easiest option for you. So, you can purchase it in many different forms (powder, pill oil, tea, etc), but moringa is not regulated by the FDA. This means there are no guidelines to produce and sell the product. Though Moringa seems to be a potent antioxidant, with properties shown to lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose levels with just two teaspoons a day, supplementation may be poorly developed depending on the company you choose.3,4  If you decide to purchase the capsule or powders for your morning tea, make sure to vet your company carefully.

When purchasing look for the following qualities:

  1. Plant soil quality
  2. Careful drying process
  3. Certified product quality
  4. The most nutritious Moringa variety



Moringa powders and supplements that have good reviews include the following:

Sunfood Super Foods Organic Powder

Organic India Moringa Green Capsule

Traditional Medicinals Organic Moringa Tea

Kuli Kuli Moringa Powder Single Serve Packet

Georgia Dietetic Foundation (GDF) doesn’t endorse any supplement. This blog is for entertainment purposes. The increased interest of supplement use has grown within recent years giving rise to a $40 billion dollar industry. Being aware of a variety of supplements might provide a more robust tool kit when discussing with clients and consumers.



  1. Dhakad A, Ikram M, Sharma S, Khan S, Pandey V, Singh A. Biological, nutritional, and therapeutic significance of Moringa oleifera Lam. Phytother Res. 2019;22(11):2870-2903.
  2. Trigo C, Castelló M, Ortolá M, García-Mares F, Soriano M. Moringa oleifera: An Unknown Crop in Developed Countries with Great Potential for Industry and Adapted to Climate Change. 2020;10(1):31.
  3. Kushwaha S, Chawla P, Anita K. Effect of supplementation of drumstick (Moringa oleifera) and amartanth (Amaranthus tricolor) leaves powder on antioxidant profile and oxidative status among postmenopausal women. J Food Sci Technol. 2012;51:3464-3469.
  4. Mbikay M. Therapeutic Potential of Moringa oleifera Leaves in Chronic Hyperglycemia and Dislipidemia: A Review. Front Pharmacol.2012;3(24).

Alana Ahrens – Dietetic Intern, GDF Liaison 2020-2021


Promoting the health & well being of Georgians through nutrition education

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